A deep sleep provides you with energy, allows you to be more productive, improves your heart health and strengthens your immune system, gives you a better mood and even a longer life. Your habits, your sleep schedule, and the choice of your daily lifestyle can make a huge difference in the quality of your nocturnal rest. The following tips will help you optimize your sleep so that you can be mentally strong, productive, emotionally balanced and full of energy throughout the day.
Keep a regular sleep schedule and try to go to sleep at a fixed time :
Get to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning, even on weekends. A regular sleep routine keeps your biological clock’s stability for a better rest and a good sleep time. You will feel much more refreshed and energized than if you sleep the same number of hours at different times. Consistency is of vital importance.
Nicotine is a stimulant, it prevents you from falling asleep. In addition, many smokers feel the sensation of withdrawal in the night, according to studies, smokers are four times more likely to not to feel so well rested after a night’s sleep than nonsmokers. In addition, smoking can cause the sleep apnea syndrome and other respiratory disorders that can also prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.
Eat well and exercise regularly :
Stay away from big meals before going to bed, try dining earlier in the evening, and avoid heavy foods. Fatty foods take a lot of time in your stomach before they are digested. Be careful when it comes to spicy or acidic foods in the evening because they can cause stomach problems and heartburns.
Avoid drinking too much liquid in the evening. Drinking plenty of water, juice, tea or other liquids can cause frequent trips to the bathroom throughout the night. Beverages containing caffeine, which act as diuretics, only make things worse.
20-30 minutes of daily physical exercise will help you sleep better. Try brisk walking, a bike ride, or even gardening and housework. Relaxing exercises before sleep such as yoga or simple stretching also favor good sleep.
Avoid alcohol before bedtime :
Many people think that a drink before bed will help them sleep, but it’s counter-intuitive. Alcohol can make you fall asleep faster but reduces the quality of your sleep and can wake you up later in the night. To avoid this, stay away from alcohol before sleep.
Reducing caffeine consumption :
You may be surprised to know that caffeine can cause sleep problems after a period between ten and twelve hours after drinking it! Consider avoiding caffeine after lunch and reduce your overall consumption.
Note your main concerns before going to sleep :
The worries of daily life are keeping you away from sleeping? The best solution to this problem is to note them all then convert the note into a sort of action plan, it will help you clear your mind of all these concerns for a peaceful sleep.
Take time to breathe before going to bed :
Sleep is not an on-off switch. Give your body time to make the transition from your busy day to bedtime. Take care of your personal hygiene (brushing teeth, moisturize your face …). Relax in bed, practice deep breathing. Read a book under a dim light …
Take a hot bath :
Going to bed after a bath or a hot shower will gradually reduce the temperature of your body which triggers the production of melatonin, that brings sleep.