Treating Brain Injury With CBD May Become A Reality

CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a superstar standout compound of over a hundred different identified cannabinoids derived from marijuana and hemp plants, claiming to ease many ailments without the psychoactive effects of THC. CBDFX gummies are enriched with Hemp Extract, cannabinoids, organic tapioca syrup, organic cane sugar, natural flavors that are proven to benefit your body and mind. Chemically, the main difference between cannabis and hemp are the levels of THC. Oral products such as our SoftGels, tinctures and Gems have a systemic effect, meaning they work on your whole body.

Cannabis oil can be what is CBD applied directly to the skin or consumed sublingually, although many also enjoy using it as an ingredient in cooking edibles. Therefore, most drug tests are not designed to detect CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid derived from either the hemp or cannabis plant. Just like its cousin, THC, it is one of more than 100+ known cannabinoids that occur naturally in hemp and cannabis plants.

Using this rubric and based on twenty-one studies, cannabis rated in the possible-to-probable range of efficacy for treatment of depression. If you’re on any medications, consult your doctor before adding hemp oil to your diet. The science behind consuming CBD products for anxiety shows that it seems to work in two main ways.

Some claim that THC and CBD produce an entourage effect , making the product more effective. Plant-based cannabinoids, found in cannabis plants, also interact with the receptors (whimsically named CB1 and CB2) in the endocannabinoid system, and each affects your body in different ways. Instead, hemp is rich in the CBD cannabinoid which exclusively promotes the feeling of relaxation without any psychoactive effects of feeling high.