La consommation d’alcool aggrave le ronflement !

Drinking Alcohol worsens snoring!

To avoid snoring, do not drink alcohol in the evening, in fact, this substance has a direct depressant effect on the tongue and other muscles of the throat, causing the sagging of tissues, which in turn , aggravates snoring. That is why we snore more after a drunken evening

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Certaines personnes ont des horloges internes de plus de 24 heures !

Some people have internal clocks with more than 24 hours!

This is called the free-running or Non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder ( non-24 or hypernycthéméral) syndrome, a disorder that causes a chronic sleep trouble provoking a delay or an advance of 1 to 2 hours of the biological clock each day. Because of this disorder, the circadian clock no longer coincides with the cycle of the day […]

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Le manque de sommeil peut provoquer des symptômes de psychose !

Sleep deprivation can cause symptoms of psychosis!

Sleep deprivation is detrimental to our health, in fact, according to several studies, lack of sleep can bring about many diseases, it can be related to increased blood pressure, increased risk of diabetes and fibromyalgia (a syndrome characterized by chronic muscle pain throughout the body) … In addition to that, it is also connected with […]

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Il existe une maladie qui rend les personnes atteintes incapables de dormir jusqu’à mourir !

There is a disease which makes its sufferer unable to sleep until death!

TheFatal Family Insomnia (FFI) is a very rare disease caused by a mutated protein, the prion, which directly attacks the central nervous system. This pathology is characterized by insomnia which gets increasingly severe until the total inability to sleep. It is followed by hallucinations, disturbance of the autonomic nervous system, motor disorders and dementia, quickly […]

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