How Does Cannabidiol Interact With Antiepileptic Drugs?

While many people use cannabidiol oil to relieve pain, more scientific research is needed to be certain it can be safely used. At small doses it is highly therapeutic & calms you down, takes away pain, relaxes you & can help you sleep. THC is NOT required to ‘activate’ CBD or to reap the health benefits from it. The only legally obtained Cannabinoid oil in the state of WI comes from hemp, so that is the formulation we recommend and use.

American Cannabis Nurses Association can help you locate a healthcare practitioner who may be able to help. One worry I hear quite often is that CBD will make you fail a drug test. While CBD doesn’t produce the kind of intoxicating effects THC is known for, it’s important to consider any possible CBD oil side effects.

It is worth noting that CBDA – cannabidiolic acid, non-oxidized, acidic version of cannabidiol found primarily in fresh and young plants – is also strong (stronger than CBD) 5HT1A receptor agonist. The current available information of the impact marijuana has on the neurophysiology of the brain show, predominantly, depressive effects.

The two strains have equal levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), but one of them also has high levels of CBD while the other strain, a high-strength cannabis commonly known as skunk, contained negligible levels of CBD. It’s also impossible to overdose on CBD oil. He will highlight the potential risks and benefits of the CBD product and assign you a certain dosage that you must stick to.