11 Benefits & Uses Of CBD Oil

One of the biggest concerns we’ve come across are CBD drug interactions and if CBD is safe to take with other medications. Sativex , a cannabis-based pharmaceutical product containing THC and CBD in a 1:1 ratio, is already approved in multiple countries to treat neuropathic pain, multiple sclerosis-related muscle spasms and stiffness, and severe pain from advanced cancer and is currently undergoing evaluation in clinical trials in the US.

In response to massive consumer demand, a huge, unregulated market in CBD oil products reached a critical mass in 2018. The cannabis plant is certainly having its moment and CBD is fast becoming a highly popular compound in the wellness space, and studies are exploring its therapeutic uses. No, it would be extremely difficult cannabis CBD oil to take so much CBD oil that it caused an overdose as each compound formulation can only legally contain up to 0.2% THC which is suspended in a carrier oil.

Equally, methods like vaping CBD may last for shorter periods of time, but they may provide relief faster and the product would last longer than in other products. In the study involving psychosis, participants enjoyed the same level of symptom relief, but those taking CBD experienced fewer side effects. When you consume CBD—as an oil, food additive, and so on—your body inhibits the cytochrome P450, an enzyme in the liver that regulates how you metabolize drugs.