Les troubles du comportement alimentaire génèrent des troubles de sommeil !

Eating disorders generate sleep troubles!

Bulimia or anorexia nervosa significantly interfere with sleep. In fact, most people with eating disorders suffer also from sleep disorders. According to statistics, about one patient (bulimic or anorexic) out of every two at least has sleep disorders.

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Ne pas réveiller un somnambule est plus nocif que de le réveiller !

Not waking up a sleepwalker is more harmful than not!

Sleepwalking is more common in children than in adults, this sleep disorder is more likely to occur when one is deprived of sleep. The urban legend says that waking a sleepwalker can trigger a heart attack, which is a misconception, because if you wake a sleepwalker, what happens is exactly the same as you wake […]

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Le manque de sommeil peut provoquer des symptômes de psychose !

Sleep deprivation can cause symptoms of psychosis!

Sleep deprivation is detrimental to our health, in fact, according to several studies, lack of sleep can bring about many diseases, it can be related to increased blood pressure, increased risk of diabetes and fibromyalgia (a syndrome characterized by chronic muscle pain throughout the body) … In addition to that, it is also connected with […]

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